Type of Implants

Breast Implant in Delhi

Type of Implants

There are essentially two varieties of implants:

Saline Breast Implants

Saline implants are filled with sterile saline water. Saline Implants have a rippling effect similar to a balloon filled with water. It can also rupture easily. In the past there have been cases, where the saline implant of a patient burst due to change in pressure in airplane. Hence these are very rarely used in certain select indications only now!

Saline Implant
Silicone Implant

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone Implants are filled with high cohesive gel, giving a natural feel of breast tissue. These are one of the best implant choices for breast augmentation, as they do not cause much harm even if the implant ruptures or leaks. If the implant starts leaking, the gel remains inside the implant shell or drips towards the implant pocket, but remains inside the implant only. The implant doesn’t collapse. If the patient chooses this implant, they will have to make sure that they keep visiting their surgeon regularly to keep a check on the condition and functioning of the implant. An ultrasound or MRI is performed to examine the implants every few years.

According to Dr Rajat Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon at RG Aesthetics, Saline Implants are not in vogue these days. They have higher chances of rupturing.

Once you’ve decided to undergo a breast augmentation surgery, you need to choose which kind of implant you want, textured breast implant, nano-textured breast implant or smooth breast implant.

Textured Implants:

Textured breast implants’ surface is tough, giving traction to the surface similar to fine sandpaper. These give more suitability of sticking to the tissue so that the implant does not slip or move from its place. Textured implants also lower the chance of capsular contracture, where the scar tissue around the breast implant tightens and hardens. But, there were not enough evidence found for the same.

In recent studies, US-FDA has raised a warning about a link between textured breast implants and a very rare form of cancer: anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL).

Techniques of Breast Augmentation

Smooth Breast Implants

These are the most popular choice of breast implants amongst surgeons and patients alike. The primary reason being their smooth exterior made of thinner skin, which makes them softer and gives a more breast like feel. Once placed inside the breast pocket, they move like a natural breast but do not drag. Smooth breast implants also last longer hence prove to be cost-effective. The most prominent benefit of smooth implants is that they have extremely lower chances of rupturing or leaking.

Nano-textured Breast Implants

Also known as next-generation breast implants, nano-textured are the most revolutionary form of breast augmentation devices. Very few clinics offer nano-textured choice. They come with a true monobloc construction with visual barrier layer indicator. The silicone gel-filled inside is the most advanced form of gel that renders most natural look and feel. The most prominent and beneficial feature of these breast implants is that they come with a nano-textured surface to reduce the risk of capsular contraction. These are primarily round implants with ergonomix shape mimicking the natural anatomical shape of breasts. This also prevents the risk of rotation.

Due to the recent increase in ALCL with textured implants, many surgeons have stopped the use of textured implants for breast augmentation surgery. When we consulted Dr. Rajat Gupta for know which implant is the best and safest, he vouched over smooth implants. He said “Smooth implants have been used in breast augmentation surgery for more than 2 decades and there has been no cases of cancer reported.” “Nano-textured implants have also not been associated with cancer but are relatively new and have been in use only for past 4-5 years, hence long-term effects of these are yet to be seen”, he added. Dr. Rajat Gupta is the only plastic surgeon to use smooth implants in India.

Breast Implants in Delhi

Shape of Breast Implants

breast implant in delhi
breast implant in delhi

There are two basic shaped of breast implants: Round and Anatomical, also known as teardrop.

Round Implants are the most commonly used implants in breast augmentation. These are generally suitable for most women and give a more full, rounded look to the upper breast. You can choose between nano-textured, textured and smooth round implants, and they can be filled with saline or silicone.

Anatomical Implants or teardrop implant has sloped contour with more implant at the bottom than at the top, giving a more natural shape to the breast. These are generally used for breast reconstruction or women seeking little volume and natural looking results. Anatomical implants are usually nano-textured or texture to they stay in place to prevent implant rotation.

Choosing appropriate size, shape and type of implant


While choosing the appropriate size of the implant, here are a few factors to consider:

  • No surgeon can change the width of the footprint of your breast. Hence the diameter of the implant will always be limited to the width of your breast.
  • It depends upon your skin tissue laxity. If your tissue laxity is good, you can go for a bigger size of the implant, and if the skin tissue is too tight, you cannot go for a bigger implant.
  • If you are unsure of the correct size of implant for you, you can get see the 3D results of your surgery before undergoing the actual surgery with Crisalix 3D simulation software. Only very few surgeons in India use this technology.


While choosing the appropriate shape of the implant, here are a few factors to consider:

  • If you want more natural looking breasts, there are two ways to do it. Either put the round implant behind the muscle also called a dual plane implant, in which the upper pole of the implant is covered with a pectoralis muscle. This gives a more teardrop shape and not a round shape as it is inserted just behind gland and above the muscle.
  • Another option is that you can go for anatomical implants, which are teardrop shape. Problem with anatomical implants that has been seen is that they rotate. Once they rotate, the upper pole of your breasts, which should be smaller, will become bigger and the lower pole will become smaller. Viz a viz if a round implant rotates, it doesn’t make a difference.


While choosing the appropriate type of the implant, here are a few factors to consider:

  • Textured Implants have been associated with anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL), a very rare form of cancer. Hence many surgeons have stopped the use of textured implants for breast augmentation surgery.
  • There has been no evidence of cancer using Nano-textured implants. Nano-textured implants supposedly have less amount of capsular contracture than smooth implants.
  • Smooth implants have been used in breast augmentation surgery for more than 2 decades and there has been no case of cancer reported. These are the safest implants for breast augmentation surgery and first preference of top plastic surgeons globally.

Dr. Rajat Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon uses smooth implants and Nano-textured implants only. He is, in fact, the first & only surgeon in India using Smooth& Nanotextured Implants for Breast Augmentation. Dr. Rajat Gupta also uses Crisalix 3D Simulation software for this patients and is the first & only plastic surgeon in India to use this technology.

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