Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast Augmentation Procedure

The breast augmentation procedure involves a few imperative steps. An experienced surgeon would render an absolute consultation to the aspirant, prior to the surgery, explaining the possibilities, risks, recovery and results. This consultation helps to foresee the entire process and provides the assurance to go through it.

Here are the steps of the procedure:


I – Anesthetic Administration

Anaesthesia is always an imperative administration before the surgery starts. It provides the required comfort and eliminates any risks of pain and sensation during the surgery. Anaesthetic choices are intravenous sedation for local area numbness and general anaesthesia for sleep through the surgery. Performing surgeon shall recommend the best choice for you, depending on physical health and exact requirement. Generally, most patients prefer General Anesthesia as it helps to make them less anxious and nervous!

II – Incisions for Insertions

As the surgery involves inserting implants under the breast tissue, incisions are required to make space for insertion and placement. These incisions are made at possibly hidden places so that the scars are not prominently visible after the recovery. The surgeon always discusses with the patient, all the possible incision options, to maximize the results and eliminate the chances of scars and injuries.

There are three types of incisions that can opted from:

  • Incision made along the periphery of areola which is known as peri-areolar incision.
  • Incision made on the fold under the breast which is the inframammary fold.
  • Incisions made in the armpit to hide the scars totally and is known as axillary incision

An experienced surgeon chooses the position for incisions based on types of implants being used for the surgery, the desired enlargement (size) post surgery, physical anatomy of the patient and surgeon’s or patients’ own preference too.


III – Insertion and Placement of Breast Implants

Now is the time to insert the breast implants. Making the use of incisions, the chosen type of breast implants are either inserted under the pectoral muscle which is a sub-muscular placement, or they are placed directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle which is called sub-mammary or sub-glandular placement.

This choice of method largely depends upon the skin thickness of patient, the body type of the patient and the shape of breasts desired by the patient post-surgery.


IV – Closing The Incisions

Closing the incisions is also a very important part of the surgery which must be given absolute attention to avoid any possible contaminations later. The incisions are closed by layered sutures in the breast tissue. Skin adhesives and surgical tape are also used to make the closing more sustainable and easily healable.

Patients should not worry about the incision lines or scars as they usually fade over time. One thing to remember while dealing with after surgery scars is that the intensity of scars and their fading always depends on your genetics and healing mechanism of the body. Exposure of the body to nicotine and infections also influences the healing of scars to a great extent.

Results of Breast Augmentation Surgery

The results of breast augmentation are visible immediately after the surgery. Yet, the final results appear after a few weeks, when any possible swelling finally subsides. The skin stretches to its normalcy and the shape becomes visible. If the patient had asymmetrical breasts before surgery, then the symmetry may or may not be restored post breast augmentation surgery. Patients with extremely small breasts before surgery can see a huge improvement in shape and size, but they need to wear a support bra for several weeks to come until the breasts take their own space and the body, especially the chest area get used to the extra weight.

To bring out the best results of the surgery, here is what patients must follow.

What to do:

  • Eat a normal diet.
  • Take the prescribed medications regularly.
  • Sleep straight on the back.
  • Retain the regular but non-strenuous activity, like normal household work or office desk-job.
  • Massage the breasts with soft hand to improve blood circulation.


What not to do:

  • Do not sleep on stomach or sides for at least 6 weeks post surgery.
  • Do not lift arms above shoulder level for at least 6 weeks.
  • Do not lift heavy objects for at least 6 weeks.
  • Do not run, jump or perform other activities that could make the breasts bounce. This could break open the wounds causing infection and complications. I may dislodge the implants too.
  • Do not try to look or keep checking the scars by lifting the breasts or arms.
  • Do not remove the compression garment until advised by doctor to do so.
  • Do not massage the breasts if they have had a breast lift surgery along with breast augmentation.

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